As per the latest update, The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has issued a circular regarding the filing of below-mentioned e-forms without payment of any penalty:
a) DIR-3 KYC.
b) DIR-3 KYC-Web
c) ACTIVE Form
The Circular provides the following information with respect to the filing of DIR-3KYC/DIR-3 KYC- Web and ACTIVE Form.
DIN holders of DINs marked as ‘Deactivated’ due to non-filing of DIR-3KYC/DIR-3 KYC-Web and those Companies whose compliance status has been marked as “ACTIVE non-compliant” due to non-filing of Active Company Tagging Identities and Verification(ACTIVE) e-form are encouraged to become compliant once again in pursuance of the General Circular No. 11 dated 24th March 2020 & General Circular No.12 dated 30th March 2020 and file DIR-3KYC/DIR-3KYC-Web/ACTIVE as the case may be between 1st April 2020 to 30th September 2020 without any filing fee of INR 5000/INR 10000 respectively.
As per the above mentioned, DIN holders tagged as ‘Deactivated’ have an extended time of up to 30th September 2020 for filing DIR-3KYC/DIR-3 KYC-Web, without fees of Rs 5,000. Companies marked as “ACTIVE non-compliant” have got extended time of up to 30th September 2020 to file e-Form ACTIVE without fees of Rs 10,000.
Stakeholders can take advantage of this opportunity and can file the form without payment of penalty.